Worthy Work, Still Unlivable Wages: The Early Care and Education Workforce

Meeting for the week of November 26 - December 2, 2018

This Meeting at a Glance:

Program: Worthy Work, Still Unlivable Wages: The Early Care and Education Workforce

Speaker: Bethany Edwards and Aline Hankey

Is this your first time to visit us? If so, welcome to our weekly online meeting! To complete our meeting, please continue reading from here to the bottom of this page.Each Monday our week’s meeting is posted early in the morning, U.S. Pacific Time. These meetings are designed so that you can read and watch what we post anytime during the week. The entire meeting takes about 60 minutes to complete, with the video conference recording of the program being the bulk of the time.Note that you can easily read this meeting with your favorite device, so feel free to take our meeting on the go with you; read it while on public transit, waiting in line for coffee, or even at the park! Please also make sure to complete the attendance form at the bottom and leave a comment. Enjoy!

Welcome to the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley!

Here’s a message from President Andrew


Greetings Members and Guests,This week, we have Bethany Edwards and Aline Hankey talking about the Center for the Study of Childcare Employment. It takes a village to raise a child and, this week, Bethany and Aline will tell us a few things about the people charged with the important duty of helping a child develop in his/her early stages. Please let us know what you think in the Disqus below and, if you'd like, include a memory of someone who taught you something valuable when you were very young. This can be a lesson you call upon to this day or just words you keep recalling. There's much to honor about those who gave us so much so early.Have a good week!



Andrew Taw,

PresidentRotary eClub of Silicon Valley

Weekly Funny with the Lady of Laughter (LOL)

We believe laughter is an important part of life, and we should all make time to laugh a little. This segment of our meeting is meant to tickle you just enough. These funnies are curated by member Yvonne Kwan, our “Lady of Laughter!”


Happy Cyber Monday! Whether you're spending money or just (virtual) window shopping, I hope you enjoy these shoppy jokes.

What does one do in a mall with a cheesy credit card?Go on a shopping brie!

Why don't kittens like going to the mall?They prefer a cat-alogue!

What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops?Guardians of the Galaxy!


Weekly Inspiration

Every week we start our meetings with a short video highlighting innovation, inspiration, entrepreneurship, or social change.

Each year, over one-fifth of Bangladesh suffers from flooding. And when water overtakes already struggling roads, much of life is put on hold—including kids’ education. But if children can’t travel to the classroom, architect and entrepreneur Mohammed Rezwan thought, why not have it travel to them? Welcome aboard the Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha floating school—a network of boats that’s both school bus and schoolhouse for students ages six to ten in Northern Bangladesh.

World of


5 reasons to give to Rotary on Giving Tuesday

Learn more at https://www.rotary.org/en/5-reasons-give-rotary-giving-tuesday-2018.

Coffee With a Rotarian

A natural part of Rotary is the networking and the fellowship you get out of meeting other Rotarians. Coffee With a Rotarian is a monthly program of our club where we match participating club members for one-on-one virtual (or in some cases in person) coffee meetings, so they can learn more about each other. This program is organized by member Tzviatko Chiderov.

This week we have Rushton from San Jose, CA, USA reporting on a chat with Maxi from Mountain View, CA, USA.

Maxi's team at Google has just finished a big project, which means that there is a certain limbo before the next big project kicks into gear. In the meantime, he has been missing the learning he did in university, and is looking into possible part-time grad programs, perhaps to start next year. One in particular is in management science and engineering, which would complement his technical skills. We talked a bit about a possible project Andrew is exploring with some Rotarians in Belize, along with the trip he leaves for tomorrow (as I write) to Paraguay. Great stuff!

We encourage all club members to participate in Coffee With a Rotarian. You can sign up here!

Service Report

Tell us about service you’ve done recently in your community.Click here to fill out The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley Service Survey

On the first meeting of every month, we feature service reports from club members for the previous month. Thanks for your service everyone!

For Members Only

Past Announcements

Our Events & Projects

We hold our meetings online, but we do regular service projects and social events in the Silicon Valley! This section is updated every week with our upcoming events. We welcome guests to all of the events and service projects listed here.

Also be sure to join our Meetup Group for automatic calendar updates and to RSVP for our events! These are open to all guests as well!

Past Events & Projects:


Our club recently did a school supply donation to Scott Lane Elementary School.This donation was even featured in the Silicon Valley Voice - a local newspaper! Read the article here.

Upcoming Events:

All times are Pacific Time! (San Francisco time)More events coming soon! All events are open to guests, unless otherwise mentioned. Feel free to join us! If you ever have questions, please email inquiries@siliconvalleyrotary.com

What would you like to do?

Hey Members! What would you like to do? We’re working on putting together some exciting socials and impactful service projects for our upcoming quarter’s event calendar. Let us know what you want to do by posting in our members only Facebook Group (if you don’t have access, please request it with Webmaster Mitty). Remember, you’re only taking advantage of the full impact of Rotary when you’re stepping up to get involved.

Happy Dollars: Do Good by Sharing Something Good

Each week we ask our members to share stories with the club and toss in a few dollars to support our efforts. The primary goal of this section is to provide a fun way of getting to know each fellow members and guests, while giving back to a good cause.

Happy dollars is an opportunity to share something positive that has happened in your life whether it is personal or business. Think of it as your opportunity to brag a little, but also put a little bit into a karma jar. The money donated through happy dollars is put to charitable use, and the message that you leave for happy dollars will be posted in our online meeting the following week for the entire week for folks to see! (Pending that it’s appropriate!)Here are the happy dollars contributions from last week!This section is usually updated on the early hours of Saturday, so contributions made over the weekend may not be listed here.

Tzviatko Chiderov made a $20 donation.Thank you Cecelia for the great program on The Rotary Foundation. Please send my contribution to the Annual Fund.

Brian Liddicoat made a $15 donation.Looking forward to much-needed rain this week after a long dry summer. Pray it will end our wildfires here in California.

Suzanne Van Stralen made a $10 donation.I am happy about the great progress of many teens in my life. They are terrific people with wonderful plans for the future. Please place my donation in the Club General Fund.

Rory Olsen made a $20 donation.Please apply my gift to Polio Plus.

Share your happy dollars thoughts with us and help with doing good around the world.

Selected Comments

Every week at the bottom of our meetings, there is a comments section for members and guests to tell us what they enjoyed about the meeting or to ask questions to the speaker. We select a few comments every week from last week’s meeting to be featured during this week’s meeting.

Here are the comments selected from last week’s meeting.

Nathan Gildart said:Thanks for that presentation Cecelia. I had a video chat with Manuj tonight and got a double-whammy of new Rotary learning. It's a bit tough to stay attentive to the policies and programs within Rotary so to echo Andrew, a refresher is good. (and for me, needed) Nice to see the lively chat at the end! (would love to have some kitties roaming around the house!)

Roger Plested said:Thank you Cecilia for your informative, interesting and motivating presentation. Also thank you for your faithful service to the Foundation for many years.

Mark Dohn said:Thank you Cecelia. It's amazing to see how TRF works and to understand it. I hope other clubs see this meeting and share it with their members!

Be sure to leave a comment at the end of this week’s meeting after you watch the program below, and perhaps you’ll see your comment featured next week!

Program: Worthy Work, Still Unlivable Wages: The Early Care and Education Workforce

Speaker: Bethany Edwards and Aline Hankey

Every week we bring to you a new program on innovation, entrepreneurship, and education, and how those contribute to service to others. Special thanks to member Roger Plested for leading our club's Programs Committee in finding us amazing speakers each week.

Established in 1999, the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) is focused on achieving comprehensive public investments that enable the early childhood workforce to deliver high-quality care and education for all children. To achieve this goal, CSCCE conducts research and policy analysis about the characteristics of those who care for and educate young children and examines policy solutions aimed at improving how our nation prepares, supports, and rewards these early educators to ensure young children’s optimal development. CSCCE provides research and expert analysis on topics that include compensation and economic insecurity among early educators, early childhood teacher preparation and access to educational opportunities, work environments, and early childhood workforce data sources and systems. CSCCE also works directly with policymakers and a range of national, state, and local organizations to assess policy proposals and provide technical assistance on implementing sound early care and education workforce policy.

Additional information:

Share your thoughts or ask our speaker a question in the comments at the bottom of this meeting page!

Upcoming Program Recording Schedule

All of our guest speakers and programs are recorded live online over Zoom video conference. We welcome members and guests to join us in one of these upcoming recordings. Recordings are approximately 30 minutes long and are subject to change without notice.

Our online video conference room link for these recordings is always https://zoom.us/j/5104080000. You are welcome to join us! Please note the timezone listed for all recordings is US Pacific Time (San Francisco, California, USA).If you can’t join the live recording, please send your questions for an upcoming speaker to programs@siliconvalleyrotary.com.

You’re Almost Done! One last thing: The Attendance Survey…

Thanks for reading and watching this week’s meeting. You have two last things to do before you’re done. First, we have a very short attendance survey below for you to fill out to record your attendance.

Visiting Rotarians, this is how you can get an email receipt to pass along to your club’s secretary as proof that you’ve attended our meeting if you need it for makeups.Non-Rotarian Guests, we would love to see who is dropping by our meetings! This part is optional for you. If you think you may want to join our eClub at some point in the future, we would strongly recommend you fill out the attendance form as it will improve your chances of success for your membership application.More importantly, for all members and guests — we strongly recommend and ask that you leave a comment below in our comments area below. Tell us how you enjoyed the program. Ask this week’s speaker any questions you might have. Or just stop by and say hello and tell us where you’re from!


Unleashing Teens' Potential in the Developing World


The Rotary Foundation