World Cruise During Pandemic Brings International Service Clubs Together

Meeting for the week of March 15, 2021 - March 21, 2021

This Meeting at a Glance:

Program: World Cruise During Pandemic Brings International Service Clubs Together

Speaker: Natalia Krucker

Is this your first time to visit us? If so, welcome to our weekly online meeting! To complete our meeting, please continue reading from here to the bottom of this page.Each Monday our week’s meeting is posted early in the morning, U.S. Pacific Time. These meetings are designed so that you can read and watch what we post anytime during the week. The entire meeting takes about 60 minutes to complete, with the video conference recording of the program being the bulk of the time. Note that you can easily read this meeting with your favorite device, so feel free to take our meeting on the go with you. Please also make sure to complete the attendance form at the bottom and leave a comment. Enjoy!

To properly attend this meeting, please:

  1. Read and watch the content below in its entirety.

  2. Complete the attendance survey.

Everyone is also encouraged to leave a comment in the Disqus section at the bottom of the page.

Welcome to the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley!


Here’s a message from our Club President.

Welcome, everyone, to the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley!

Every week we bring to you a program designed to inspire you, to intrigue you, to educate you, and to empower you to do more.

We are so happy to have you join us! As you continue scrolling and reading through our meeting, don’t forget to leave a comment at the Disqus section at the bottom of the page once you're done. We would love to hear from you!

Yours in Rotary service,


Raquel D’Garay-Juncal

President, Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley

Guests, we are happy to have you join us this week!

As we see it, our flexibility as an online, asynchronous club allows a special type of service to Rotarians around the world: we make it easier for anyone to strive for and maintain 100% attendance. That keeps you engaged with Rotary's events and ideas, and provides a moment of inspiration for devoting your creativity, talents, and resources to good causes.

You are certainly not required to pay anything in order to attend our meetings. However, if you would like to make a small contribution to our service efforts, you are welcome to do so in our secure Happy Dollars section down the page. This could be what you normally pay at your own club's meetings for lunch, for example. Any amount is welcome, but first and foremost, we're happy you've joined us, and hope you will share with others who we are and what we do to help inspire Service Above Self.

And don't forget to fill out our attendance form so you get an email you can pass on to your club's secretary!

The Four Way Test

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.

Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?

  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Weekly Funny with Shags.

We believe laughter is an important part of life, and we should all make time to laugh a little. This segment of our meeting is meant to tickle you just enough. These funnies are curated by member Steven "Shags" Shagrin !


Self Medicating...

I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anaesthetic.

He said, "Sure, knock yourself out!"

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Weekly Inspiration

Every week we start our meetings with a short video highlighting innovation, inspiration, entrepreneurship, or social change.

The idea of being inspired almost necessarily means being moved to see something in a new way. As Rotarians, do we look and what is, and consider what might be? Are we humble enough to work with those who can give us the information we need to be helpful? In this video by Daan Roosengaarde's team, art, light, and more sustainable agriculture mix in impressive ways, and could inspire us to think beyond our boxes as we ask how best to serve others.

World of Rotary

Every week we will focus on a particular story that tells of our organization and the work of Rotarians in the world.

Through a Rotarian's Lens

Sometimes a photo can capture an amazing moment. In this section Member Keith Marsh shares his incredible photography!

If you'd like to submit a photo for this section please contact Keith.

Here is an iPhone photo that uses the "Live Photo" feature of my iPhone11. A "Live Photo" captures a series of images in a short video before and after you press the shutter. This allows you to select the best picture in the "video" in case you missed the shot you wanted. This photo of a single Great Blue Heron flying across a pond is an example. It was sitting on the bank of a pond and took off as I approached. I quickly snapped two photos but was disappointed that I missed the shot I wanted. As I examined the second Live Photostream, I discovered that it showed the Heron flying across the pond well after I hit the shutter release, so I selected five images in a series to make this composite. I then used NIK Color Efex software to create some mood. It is not what I consider a great photo, but it shows the advantage of Live Photo technology. Can anyone determine what direction the Heron is flying?

Learn Something New

This section is curated by members Shags Shagrin and aims to teach our members and guests something new, fun, and useful! If you have any ideas on a fun trick or skill you'd like to share please contact Shags.

Back to Cooking!!

As prior posts have shared, I (Shags) love to cook. One post discussed sous vide, which is cooking food vacuum-sealed in a plastic bag in a water bath at a specific temperature, then finishing it in an oven or pan if needed. The company from which I bought my immersion sous vide device, Anova Culinary, came out last year with a combi-oven for the home cook. Typically found only in professional kitchens, this countertop (big by countertop standards!) oven does sous vide cooking bagless with 100% steam at low, constant temperatures. It then can finish the dish with high broil heat or dry convection heat, and all programmed through your smartphone!! I used my stimulus check for it, and I've been so happy with most of the results. Even made some beef jerky in 3 hours on the low setting for dehydration! It also does an amazing job on leftovers -- just put them in at 150F sous vide and it comes out moist, perfectly heated throughout, and often in the storage container. If you're looking for a fun kitchen toy that provides myriad ways of preparing things, this is it!!

Service Report

Tell us about service you’ve done recently in your community.

Click here to fill out The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley Service Survey

Being A More Engaged Rotarian - March 2021 Challenge

Dear eClub,

March is already upon us! For this month's challenge, we will be partnering with Miry’s List and helping sponsor the Mohammadzai Family from Afghanistan! They arrived to the U.S. in Mar. 2020 and resettled in Sacramento. They are Mom, Dad and 6 kids: 2 boys & 4 girls. They are all learning English and their most urgent needs are laptops and household items.

Here is their registry:

If you remember, Miry gave a wonderful presentation to the eClub back in 2019. Watch it here!

Please post the following graphic on your social media as well to encourage others to join us!

Don't forget to post your engagement on Slack or Disqus if you can!


Our Events & Projects

We hold our meetings online, but we do regular service projects and social events in the Silicon Valley! The section is updated every week with our upcoming events. We welcome guests to all of the events and service projects listed here.

Upcoming Events:

All times are Pacific Time! (San Francisco time)

District 5170 Events

All times are Pacific Time! (San Francisco time)

More events coming soon! All events are open to guests, unless otherwise mentioned. Feel free to join us! If you ever have questions, please email

Happy Dollars: Do Good by Sharing Something Good

Each week we ask our members to share stories with the club and toss in a few dollars to support our efforts. The primary goal of this section is to provide a fun way of getting to know each fellow members and guests, while giving back to a good cause.

Happy dollars is an opportunity to share something positive that has happened in your life whether it is personal or business. Think of it as your opportunity to brag a little, but also put a little bit into a karma jar. The money donated through happy dollars is put to charitable use, and the message that you leave for happy dollars will be posted in our online meeting the following week for the entire week for folks to see! (Pending that it’s appropriate!)

Here are the happy dollars contributions from last week!

This section is usually updated in the early hours of Saturday, so contributions made over the weekend may not be listed here.

Rushton Hurley made a $25 donation.
President Raquel, you rightly call attention to how much good WASH projects have done - thanks for the reminder to support them!

Rory Olsen made a $20 donation.
I've had a good week. Yesterday I did CWR with Rushton. All is well. Please apply my gift towards Polio Plus.

Sarah Tuberty
made a $10 donation.
Celebrating women’s day and all of the incredible lady leaders!

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Program: World Cruise During Pandemic Brings International Service Clubs Together

Speaker: Natalia Krucker

Every week we bring to you a new program on innovation, entrepreneurship, and education, and how those contribute to service to others.

The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley seeks to explore perspectives on service from across the world. The views of the speakers in our programs are their own, and unless stated otherwise, are not necessarily reflective of the views of our eClub nor Rotary International.

If you have an idea for a cool speaker, please feel free to reach out to them directly or submit THIS FORM so our Program Committee can contact them!

In January 2020, before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, members of three service organizations - Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis - boarded a cruise ship in Venice without knowing each other. At the end of their global trip in April 2020, they returned as friends to a world that was very different from the one they had known only a few months before.

Due to the pandemic, these new friends explored topics of online meetings and how e-clubs carry out service projects. Even though the trip didn't go as planned, it broadened their horizons in a special way, and these new friends learned to attend online meetings in their own "terra" clubs.

Natalia has been a member of the Rotary E-club of Russia since July 2018 and is a Paul Harris Fellow, as well as the club's chair of the Foundation Committee. In 2018, she completed her training to do dogs-assisted therapy for the elderly and with kindergartners.

Born in Moscow, Russia, Natalia worked from 1998 to 2006 at the Swiss Embassy in Moscow. In 2006, she moved to Switzerland and worked at the Rotary International Office for Europe and Africa until her retirement in 2019.

Members and guests, please welcome Natalia Krucker!

Upcoming Program Recording Schedule

All of our guest speakers and programs are recorded live online over Zoom video conference. We welcome members and guests to join us in one of these upcoming recordings. Recordings are approximately 30 minutes long and are subject to change without notice.

Our online video conference room link for these recordings is always You are welcome to join us! Please note the timezone listed for all recordings is US Pacific Time (San Francisco, California, USA).

If you can’t join the live recording, please send your questions for an upcoming speaker to

You’re Almost Done! Please complete The Attendance Survey…

Thanks for reading and watching this week’s meeting. You have two last things to do before you’re done.

We have a very short attendance survey below for you to fill out to record your attendance.

Visiting Rotarians, this is how you can get an email receipt to pass along to your club’s secretary as proof that you’ve attended our meeting if you need it for makeups.

Non-Rotarian Guests, we would love to see who is dropping by our meetings! This part is optional for you. If you think you may want to join our eClub at some point in the future, we would strongly recommend you fill out the attendance form as it will improve your chances of success for your membership application.

For all members and guests — we strongly recommend and ask that you leave a comment in our comments area below. Tell us how you enjoyed the program. Ask this week’s speaker any questions you might have. Or just stop by and say hello and tell us where you’re from!

Important: Once you submit the Attendance Survey below, please make sure you see the confirmation message. If you get an error message instead, please try the 'submit' button again, and if that doesn't work, please refresh the page and fill out the form again. Thanks!

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